When you've already tried pills, surgery, and everything else conventional medicine has to offer and still feel ill somehow, perhaps you ought to try the holistic approach to recovery.

For the longest time, the holistic approach may have been unjustly dismissed as “unproven” or mythical by stern proponents of modern medicine, but today we are seeing more and more doctors believe in the principle that true recovery can only be achieved through healing, and not simply curing through pharmaceutical science and surgical procedure. Perhaps recent medical breakthroughs like the research findings pointing to the relationship of disease and stress helped open many medical minds to the holistic theory, as it is mainly premised on the idea that the mental and emotional well-being of a person is directly related to his or her health. The integration of conventional medicine and the holistic approach by medical doctors has consequently produced several types of healing practices that are known to be effective, and thus has developed into a discipline in its own right, called Integrative Medicine.
Actually, in this age of information, the strictly conventional doctors who deem holistic medicine as nothing but snake oils and nostrum increasingly seem like bigots, sticking to a one-dimensional science that, in the end, would admittedly take a stance that it doesn’t have all the answers anyway. On the other hand, this is where Integrative Medicine gains credence, being a practice that is open to both conventional and alternative approaches, and therefore having a wider perspective in diagnosing, and drawing from a larger pool of methods for treating patients. And while rigidly conventional medical practitioners are often dumbfounded by numerous cases of patients who were healed through Tradition Chinese Medicine, Hilot, Energy Healing, or Ayurvedic Medicine, the practitioners of Integrative Medicine do not simply believe but understand the causations behind the alternative healing processes.

The doctors at CENTRO HOLISTICO practice Integrative Medicine, and promote such alternative and complementary medical treatments, for the education and health of patients. The doctors here see health as having four aspects: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. And their practice is founded on having all these elements in good condition to be free from disease or “truly healthy”. In their experience, disease does not necessarily mean a pathological defect, but sometimes just a “dis-ease” or something that makes one uneasy, due to an imbalance of the four aspects. Balance, therefore, is the key.
During a Holistic Medical Consultation, the physician assesses all the elements of health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) of a patient and then recommend treatments based on resultant evaluations. A LIVE BLOOD ANALYSIS is often included in these consultations so as to get a better picture of the patient’s health and nutritional status. In this procedure, the physician collects 2-3 drops of blood from the patient using a lancet and places it on a glass slide, which will then be put under a microscope for analysis. A single drop of blood can actually reveal a lot about a person’s health condition—from stress levels, to the presence of certain diseases, even diet preference. The Holistic Medical Consultation becomes the basis for determining what therapies would be recommended to patients.

CENTRO HOLISTICO commonly employs treatment by ACUPUNCTURE, the planting of very fine needles on specific points in the body, as per the Traditional Chinese Medicine method. The philosophy behind acupuncture is hinged on the stimulation or redirection of the flow of “qi” (life energy), blood, and body fluids in patients. This goes hand in hand with treatments such as ventosa, electro acupuncture and acupressure, which are modalities that basically share the same principle. The doctors at CENTRO HOLISTICO use a particular treatment involving five specific points in the ear, meant to induce natural detoxification of the body, but also treat specific imbalances that manifest as addictions, manias, mental health issues, and emotional trauma. In this treatment, the patient is asked to sit on a comfortable chair where the physicians can easily apply to the special points on both ears. This is best for those who’d want to quit smoking, drinking and other forms of addiction. Its beneficial effects to patients recovering from traumatic experiences, and those suffering from insomnia, are also well-documented.

Another acupuncture treatment offered is COSMETIC ACUPUNCTURE, a natural way to remove wrinkles and to lift the face and neck. It also helps in preventing wrinkles, clearing up the skin and brightening the skin around the eye area, without any injections or surgery. This procedure uses more than thirty acupuncture needles embedded on the face, activating proper skin function, and increasing as well as maintaining the moisture and fat of the skin. This stimulates the facial muscles and then allows it to relax, heal, restore the natural flow of energy, induce collagen production and improve blood circulation. It’s an effective detoxification and anti-aging regimen, promoting a healthy, radiant look.
But perhaps the most “felt-to-the-core” detoxification treatment offered by CENTRO HOLISTICO is the COLON CLEANSE. It involves the infusion of a coffee solution into the rectum through the anus. Other herbs are also used to aid in the detoxification process. This gets rid of toxins in the blood stream. And right away, patients feel cleansed.

CENTRO HOLISTICO also offers HEAVY METAL DETOX for people exposed to heavy metals in through their environment, diet, or habits like cigarette smoking or drug usage. This treatment involves soaking the patient’s feet in a magnetic clay solution for 30 minutes. Upon contact with fluid, the clay’s electrical components change, giving it the ability to absorb and remove toxins, heavy metals, chemicals and other impurities.
IV (Intravenous) Nutrient Therapies are offered as well at CENTRO HOLISTICO. These are for the replenishment of vitamins and minerals in the body, which are essential for optimum health. Moreover, these therapies can be used to complement treatment for certain diseases, like Fibromyaglia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Chronic Pain, Atherosclerosis, and Hypertension among many others. Different infusions are used for different conditions, and are formulated according to the needs of the patient.

Applying the different treatments in combos and bundles even maximizes the beneficial effects to health. CENTRO HOLISTICO offers these in program form. To date, clients can avail of the programs for: GENERAL WELLNESS, DETOXIFICATION, WEIGHT LOSS, STRESS RELIEF, ANTI-AGING AND REJUVENATION, SMOKING CESSATION, ALTERNATIVE CANCER THERAPY, and PERSONALIZED RECOVERY PROGRAM.
2/F Commercenter Alabang
Commerce Avenue corner Filinvest Avenue and East Asia Drive, Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City
Contact Information:
Landline: (02) 828-8863
Mobile: (0917) 581-2990
Email: centroholistico.ph@gmail.com
Clinic Hours:
Mondays to Fridays: 10AM - 7PM
Saturdays: 11AM - 7PM
Sundays and Holidays: 11AM - 6PM
*Published in print version (Voice of the South, Volume 12, Issue No. 12)